Tuesday, November 30, 2010

and life comes crashing down for the holidays

today's post is a selfish one again. it's about me. and my life.
"life you say? you have no life!"
there's a story to why though, would you like to hear why? i'm going to tell you, it's a really long story, and it goes into incredibly pointless detail, and there may or may not be a quiz to this.
"w-wait, no. i don't have time for- i'm going to go over there now, please don't"
oh? right then, shut up, and go to hell.

and you, your still here? okay good. i don't have time for jack-rabbits like the other guy, who TOTALLY EXISTS (lies).
cough, i'll go for the short version since you've been patient. and YOU, you stay in the corner like a bitch.

well anyway, yes it's about my life, (which i don't have). how does this work? i'll get to it in a second.

during thanksgiving, we had the most terrible of cold weather, it was so cold we had to bring out a heater to keep the TV room warm. but being the holiday it was, there was food to prepare and stuff to do/watch. in my room, there were 2 desktop computers in use, one currently being used to play games, and the other to watch youtube videos, across the hall was my sister's room where a computer was also being used to watch youtube videos.. also the lights were on because daylights savings time was a lie and we actually lost "day-time", but that's something else. in the kitchen was an old microwave, a toaster, a rice cooker, and various kitchen appliances going on full to prepare our feast. and finally in the TV room was already mentioned heater, and the television system used to watch pumpkins be chucked for nearly a mile.

normally these items are in constant standard use in the house and poses no problem, but today was cold and a holiday, and everything was on at the same time. you probably guessed it by no, but we had a power outage or something (i don't remember the term, but you get the idea). this is normal though, it usually does nothing and is fixed rather easily. so i go outside, evade my dogs and get to the breaker, and switch the thing back.

everything is on again, and i locate the heater and close a few lights and save energy, like a hero. and then i go to my room, start up one of the computers again, move to the other one and turn that on. and then it happens.

i look at the first computer and it starts fine, it's the second one that gives me trouble. the normal "start windows in safe mode? start windows in .... start windows normally" thing comes on. whatever, i chose normal startup. it begins to boot. then suddenly. BSOD. that's right. blue screen of death.

i'm all like, oh son of a bitch. restart, fuck you bitch, you WILL START FOR ME. menu comes up again, i choose "last known working configuration". fuck yeah, saved the day. not. load screen and then sudden BSOD. BS, right?

okay i know how to work computers more then the average person, so i mash my f8 key, and f10 keys andgo through all the menus and try to repair this thing. i mean it's starting up so it's not my PSU (power supply unit), so what the hell. i start to suspect hard-drive problems. only one thing to do. i go for the option to keep the comp from auto-restarting on failure, so i could get a look at the BSOD, because believe or not, they DO say something people.

fears confirmed, boot-volume-something blah blah, my hard drive was damaged in the power outage.


hopefully i'm suspecting only part of the C drive was hurt, and not the D drive (i split my hard drive, you should do the same thing next time you reformat or whatever). that way all my important stuff is safe, ie: my life was in there.
yeah, my computer basically holds my life. that's why i don't have one. pretty melodramatic way to explain why i don't have a life, but it sucks nonetheless <---that's one fucking word, fuck yeah-----< it's a terrible way to "die" though, holiday festivities stabbing at your soul trying to cook up a ham and watch jamie and adam host a punkin chunkin contest.

luckily i didn't feel to down, it was thanksgiving, i just had one less thing to be thankful for. i have like 6 other computers in the house, though not as amazing as the injured one, but computers anyway.

by the end of the day, i was full of food, so i was happy, find me a man who is not happy after eating thanksgiving dinner. i hook a craptop to the router and download same as normal, and i've occupied my time with playing blazblue, and various RPG games. sure, part of me died a little, but i feel a little like voldemort, one horcrux is not enough to take me down. BY THE WAY HARRY POTTER IS THE OWNER OF THE WAND PART OF THE DEATHLY HALLOWS BECAUSE DUMBLEDORE WAS GODDAMN GENIUS WITH THE SNAPE THING, HAHAHAHAHA SPOILER.

shut up, real fans already knew that. if you didn't know it by now and you are a fan of the series, well your a bitch poser. bitch.

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