Thursday, November 18, 2010

write a story ; a selfish post

I like writing stories. for the past 2 years i've had one story on my mind, and i don't see myself giving up on this little world for years to come.

i've pretty much written a 24+ chapter book (it was 20 chapters a while ago, finished, but i just couldn't help myself) about a world i envisioned. something post-god. as in, i killed god once, and the whole point of the story is to keep the new one from being killed.
the story isn't based deeply in religion, though there are new-angels, new-demons, and a some magic here and there. to put it back into context : remember, i killed god before anything in the book happens.

after god dies, in an interdimensional war, the 3 worlds are thrust into a battle for survival, without god the universe started to collapse, and the only hope to come out alive was to take the pieces of god's shattered remains and try for a reset, in the end it becomes apparent that the world will never go back to the way it was, and to truly achieve survival they had to make a hefty sacrifice.

a champion arises, and takes in the toll for continued existence ; loss of omnipotent form for the angels, loss of perfected evolution for demons, a great loss in technology and lives for humans, and great portions of their own world. once the champion gathered everything, and took in the body of god, he created a new world and semi-universe, and a new god. the god was still a child, and it would be quite a while before the universe could sustain itself, so the champion became the caretaker of the universe.

skip forward a few thousand years, in the new world. god is maturing quite nicely, (and turns out it's a girl this time), and the universe is approaching evolution from "semi-universe" into "full-universe". the champion, who we learn by now was named nephi, is carefully raising the angels and demons until they can become full-fledged angels/demons again (though by comparison they'd be angel-trainees and lesser demons).

the new world turns out to be riddled with danger, being made up of earth, celestia, and the demonworld. seeing as humans having their total population diminished quite vastly, are spread far and wide (though concentrated where they are located), the need for humanity to regroup and regain communication was immediately apparent. technology had been reverted pretty much back to the gun-powder/steam-engine days, which resulted in an assimilation effect, sort of like water-drops connecting to each other to become a bigger water drop, humanity's small colonies of culture started to move and attatch to other colonies. later on 3 major groups emerged.

the scientific/scholarly group who had an amazing string of genius leaders who work to promote increase in technology among their affiliated colonies; the culture/tradition group who is made up of very different cultures and groups such as english-knight-types, pirates, tribes, etc; and the un-found/hidden which is made up of the rest of humanity which haven't been discovered by the other 2, or those who prefer to remain secluded.
 (sounds like index, is not index, really it isn't)

during the assimilation process, the need for explorers and adventurers rose quickly, and like anyone knows, where there is demand, there is business and profit. step in the frontiers (or frontiersmen to some), adventurers working toward the expansion of humanity and the safe-guard of colonies in the very dangerous, monster riddled world. the scientific group took to creating a railway system for communication, hiring the frontiers to provide safety for the workers. being technology oriented, they developed many technologies toward building the rails, and defending the colonies, and required the frontiers to only defend/attack as necessary until the defenses were completed. the other group setup major strongholds/cities and defended those places, each city being completely self-reliant, and at the same time, breeding incredible warriors, pretty soon the frontiers weren't needed once the cities were up and running, and they moved on to the next city.

oshi- enters stage left
seeing as how angels/demons were so damn perfect, it became apparent why they ended up like that. in each of their respective worlds were many dangerous creatures, and now that the 2 worlds were located in close proximity to each other, a super-beast was born. quite a huge monster, about the size a mountain or so, made itself known by destroying a few cities in it's path. frontiers were quickly dispatched, but they all failed, until a group of 7 arrived. composed of the best of the best from the 3 major groups (science, tradition, unknown) they set-out to destroy the monster. it took a while, and the concerted efforts of almost everyone,not to mention help of the champion himself, but the beast was eventually felled.

technology advanced, humans were reuniting and growing, and peace was to be had by all, the number of frontiers needed fell, but never vanished. quite alot happened, but this isn't even where my book starts.

my book starts 9 years later, with the child of 2 of the the 7 heroes, and HER adventures.

fuck, yeah. interdimensional war, god dies, the world is broken down and rebuilt, survival in chaos, gigantic monster, legendary heroes, and THEN my story starts. and by the way, shit only gets better.

ps: i left alot of the jargon i named things in the book out of this summary.
pps: i'm going to make this into 3 stories in multiple books (about 2-3 books per story), one taking on the interdimensional war/champion section, one for the 7-heroes section, and one for the child.
the book i've done already is the child.her full name is Amber Myrrh Sierras. or A.M.Sierras* or just Amber.
*book title (or working on title)

look forward to these stories.  oh and uh they be light-novels, i'll release them as i work on the art.

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