Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reliving Puberty

Now I know what you're thinking. Why the fuck would I want that?! Middle school is possibly the worst point in your life. Most of us were the small kids, awkward as fuck and when we grew taller, we'd looked like giant babies hence more awkward... that pretty much sums it up actually. Anyway, I couldn't help but think that there were some things I'd like to relive (as the title suggests). Bear with me on this.
1. Noting/Remembering things (granted some things should stay forgotten)
One thing I'd love to remember is how I had my first boner. I've narrowed it down to too possibilities. Either:
A. It was on a Saturday morning when I was watching my cartoon on Fox Kids, DIGIMON! And Gattoman digivolved to Angewoman.
B. It was on a rainy weekday in early 7th grade when Anahit Tifliktsyan was sitting next to me wearing boots.... 7th grade is pretty loli so I guess this is relevant.

2. The bliss of innocence
I'd love to (re)experience the brief moment of our sexual education in which we understand that men and women must have sex to have a baby BUT have not yet realized that our parents had sex to have us (and still probably do).

Food for thought
-Knight Errant

1 comment:

  1. i'd like to re-live that period of time, with full knowledge of events to be. ie: time-travel and implant knowledge into younger self. oh the girl i would have thrown away my life for would now think of me as some smooth-super-god, the awkward moment's i'd be able to avoid, and the lies that could be strengthened with more lies, without fear of unknown rebuttal, for all the comebacks will be mine, and the arguement to my favor.
