Tuesday, November 16, 2010

a tale of swords and souls eternally retold

Swordsmen, or in my case swordswomen, are awesome. the code of chivalry, the envoking of a woman's name to aide thee in battle, the skill of the blade, the act of being the bulwark of your land's defenses, the point of your country's spear. the hp and atk points invested in your character sheet.

swordsmen are standard, whenever there was a need for battle, thousands of them would rise up to the challenge, and yet only few proved they were high above the rest. sir gawain was one who fought countless battles and won, in a time where a simply swipe of the blade upon any part of the body would be considered fatal; musashi, master of the blade, challenged by thousands who wished to claim their power greater, who lived and breathed only battle.

many reasons have been blessed upon the blade for which people would long to hold one.
and then there was hyakka ryouran samurai girls.

i don't know what to say, the timing of this anime was literally out of nowhere. completely out of place in the fall lineup. but for those who watch it, no feeling of regret or sadness was felt. this quite literally is an oddball win.

but in order to do a proper review let's get serious here (also will be using a new format for reviewing, will try to standardize it as i go along)

setting: unique, alternate-reality
japan, from the looks of it, a semi-modern one, deeply entrenched with history of war. in a city of tradition and war. the city was built to raise the children of the warrior clans into leaders for the country, located at the foot of mount fuji.
plot: classic harem + battle
a bloody-ecchi, a male lead character arrives in a town under orders of the student council (or government), where he runs into 2 of the female lead characters, not soon after they are thrust into the secret plots of the town. quite risque all around though.
art style: 5/5
ever play okami? it's like that, damn beautiful, paint-brush strokes galore. if it's your first time seeing this style, you'll probably start throwing out random perfect scores to express how amazing it looks. i give it a 5/5, as it's a nice change of pace from what we have currently.
characters: omgwtfbbq
all the characters are so unique, going into each one would take a paragraph and a half.
let's start with weaponry: theres a girl with a spear, a girl with 2 fans, a girl with a hammer, main character has a sword, another girl has 2 claymore things, another girl has 2 katana, another girl has claw/scissors....
pretty damn sweet.
characters themselves fall into the eccentric category : we got our flat-loli, we've got our clumsy-DD character, our more than lucky oddly strong male-lead, our megane-ninja, and various exciting hairstyles to go around in excess.

it's a good show to break down the pace, and fill in time between your squid girls, panties, and vampires.
but like i said, fall season is a strange time to show this very, for lack of a better phrase, basic harem.

editor note;
i can't really concentrate right now. i'll edit this when i have time. for now just go through my ramblings, while i gather my thoughts.
i'm going to leave it at this. i'll work on the format some more, and lay down some ground rules.

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